Syncing docwallet
Syncing docwallet

syncing docwallet

IF it does happen, try restoring your device. The good news is that normally this doesn’t happen. This is one ball that is firmly in the Apple court though. In theory, Apple should be handling the updates in a way that this won’t happen.


UPDATE 9-10-8: Matt, one of our developers here, figured out why this happens! He is working on it as we speak! We’ll keep you updated!

syncing docwallet

The bad news is that this makes it tricky to diagnose! The good news (to anyone who hasn’t seen it) is that the problem is pretty rare. We’d love any additional input folks have! In at least one case, trying some of the Quick and Easy steps solved the problem but I’m afraid it didn’t tell us why someone might run into it.

syncing docwallet

We’re trying to replicate it and if you’ve seen this problem, please email us. We haven’t seen it here nor have our beta testers. This one is a puzzler and we’re working on it. It keeps saying the wallet doesn’t exist and asks if I want to create it! These aren’t issues with the iPhone so we are working on this for a future release.


The original reason (for Windows Mobile/Palm) was sync speed and device memory. Unfortunately, eWallet hasn’t ever done image synching and iPhone is no exception. Why don’t my pictures and custom icons sync?

  • Are you on a commercial/work network, or a home network.
  • Version of Windows you are running (and is it running on a Mac).
  • If you want to speed up response/solution time, make sure to include the following info: The response to this new release has been TREMENDOUS. We’ve got folks working non-stop here just fulfilling desktop add-on phone orders (yep – we still get a lot of orders by phone!) So if you don’t get a response right away, know that we’re plugging away and hope to get back to you as soon as we can! We hope that no one will wait more than one business day for a reply. I called/sent an email! When will you get back to me? Of course if you’re still having trouble you can always contact us. This may or may not solve the problems you are having, but so far we’ve found that one of these resolves most of the issues folks are having.
  • Close eWallet on Both Sides and Try Again: A simple one but you’d be surprised at how often this fixes things!.
  • Now recreate the partnership with the phone. Then, still in setup, remove the phone from the list of sync locations.
  • Delete and Re-create the Partnership: Stop any wallets from synching with the iPhone using Setup under Synchronize on the desktop.
  • It may ask you if you want to do a repair installation.
  • Reinstall Bonjour:We’ve found that some folks need to reinstall Bonjour.
  • For now, if you have trouble setting up the partnership, check out the step-by-step instructions in eWallet on the desktop (Help->eWallet Tutorials) or the help doc on the desktop for detailed instructions. There are a number of reasons for doing it this way, security in particular, but I’ll talk about that in a later post. You only have to do this the first time you sync.
  • Create a Partnership With the Phone: Before you can start synching you have to create a partnership in eWallet between your phone and the desktop version.

    It’s a free upgrade if you own eWallet 6.0+ (it will auto-register when you install it) and $9.95 if you are adding it on or upgrading ( get it at the discounted price here if you already own 5.0 or less or are adding on.)


    You can download the latest desktop version of eWallet here. The iPhone update will show up under updates in the App Store. Make Sure You’ve Installed eWallet 6.1.2 on the Desktop and Device:You need the very latest version of eWallet in both places to make sync work.

    syncing docwallet

    You can find detailed step-by-step instructions for doing this under Help->eWallet Tutorials on the desktop or in the Help file that installs with the desktop software. We do it this way for security reasons I’ll address in a future post. A lot of times folks have hit sync on the desktop but not in eWallet on the device.

  • Make Sure You Run Sync on the Device:If you want to synchronize, you need to start sync on both the device AND on the desktop.
  • Quick And Easy Problem Solving!īefore I go into details on various issues, let me give you the top ways we’ve helped people solve their problems so far! I’ve got some easy fixes, and if you’re still having trouble let us know via our support lines! We’ll get you up and running. So if you’re one of the folks who are having some trouble, read on. Fortunately, most of these are pretty easily fixed. Of course as one would expect with the number of folks we have upgrading right now, some people are running into some problems. For most folks it’s a simple process and is working like a charm. Hey everyone! As I announced, eWallet sync is out and it’s going really well.

    Syncing docwallet